Op. Dr. Volkan Serdar Otrakçı

Op. Dr. Volkan Serdar Otrakçı


The deformity which is known as cauliflower ears colloquially is the most frequently observed ear deformity. This deformity is observed when the ear angle is in front of the normal anatomical position and/or ear lap is obscure. The main part of ear development is completed until the age 6 and surgery can be performed conveniently after that age.
Surgery can be carried out under local or general anesthesia and takes approx. 1 to 2 hours. Surgery is performed on the backside of the external ear; ear cartilage is formed on ordinary laps and fixed backwards with permanent sutures. No suture mark remains on the visible ear surfaces. Bandage is applied to the ear for 2 to 3 days. It is required to wear hair band for 2 weeks to support the permanent sutures during healing period. Swelling and bruises may occur on the ear after the surgery, this recovers to the normal condition within 1 to 2 weeks.