If the breasts are too larger or heavier than normal, it impairs the aesthetical appearance of the person, and moreover, it may cause to neck, back and shoulder pains, impairment of normal straight posture position, rash and fungal infections on the surface where breasts contact to abdominal skin and deep traces left on the shoulder by bra straps. Too large breasts may cause that the women or young girl feels herself extremely shy and timid.
In breast reduction surgery, excessive fat, breast tissue and skin are removed; breasts become smaller, lighter, straighter and tighter. During the same procedure, the diameter of the dark colored skin ring around the nipple is also made smaller.
It is important that patients stop smoking at least 2 weeks before the surgery because this speeds up the recovery process and reduce complication rate.
As the nipple and mammary duct outlets are preserved during the surgery, patients are generally able to nurse their babies. However, patients should accept beforehand that this is not always possible and lactation problem may arise by 30% probability. Some sensory impairment may develop on the nipple and the skin. This sensory impairment may take 1 year or more in some patients and it may be permanent rarely.
Surgery is carried out under general anesthesia and takes approx. 3 hours. After the surgery, surgical bra will be worn on the thin dressing. It is recommended to wear this bra for 3 weeks.
Arms should not be moved much after the surgery, especially avoid from the daily works requiring moving arms upwards. You should avoid from lifting heavy things for 3 to 4 weeks and heavy exercises. Many women can return to their social activities and, if not too tiring, to their work within 2 weeks